The Rositsa ensemble provides dance education for the youngest Bulgarian generation in Hungary. Children between 5 to 14, divided into three different age groups, can familiarize with Bulgarian traditions and culture and be members of a coherent community in an active musical environment.
The Dance Group was formed by a community of children of Bulgarian origin in 1996, almost simultaneously with the senior ensemble, Jantra. These two groups’ brotherhood is also expressed in their chosen names. Rositsa, another Bulgarian river, feeds into the Jantra river. Similarly the juniors supply the adult ensemble with new members year by year. This cooperation between generations preserves the dancers’ national identity as well as strengthens their audience’s prominence.
Several times a year, seminars and camps are organized where children get together to learn some new choreographies and improve their already-learnt steps. Although rehearsals are prolonged on these joyful occasions, there is also a lot of play outside dance lessons. After and between classes youngsters participate in different entertaining programs and team building activities, so to strengthen their community. For these trainings Bulgarian choreographers, Agrippina Voynova, Tanya Dimitrova or Kamen Ivanov are usually invited. All of them are very popular among the kids. Each time, some Jantra dancers also join these camps to ensure children’s security and help current staff. Managers, Anna Szalay and Dancso Muszev do their best to enable all participants to feel wonderful and have a great time.